Discover a network of places to visit and top tips that combine environmental protection, sharing and a link to the region. The Cercle des Imaginaterres Network is the result of a partnership with the Landes de Gascogne Natural Park and the regions involved in the Eco-destination project, driven by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Come and meet these tourist service providers who have chosen committed tourism alongside the Landes de Gascogne Regional Natural Park.

Actors for change, tourism activity providers, craftsmen, producers and accommodation providers are committed to enhancing and preserving the region, its heritage and cultural identity. They form Le Cercle des Imaginaterres and offer “Ecopositive” Getaways and Tours to discover the region!


Actors for change, they are about fifty sustainable tourism pioneers and work daily for the preservation of the region, its heritage and cultural identity. Generous individuals, outwardly open, sensitive to the world around them, lovers of nature and wide open spaces, supporters of the ocean as much as the forest, in search of authenticity, they strive every day to reduce their daily carbon impact in the services they offer.

You’ll love their authentic “low impact” getaways that reflect local life.


delta-de-la-leyre-canoeCharlotte Moutier
fougereAntoine Pasco
delta-de-la-leyre-canoeCharlotte Moutier


Raconteur de nature, formé à l’éducation à l’environnement, j’aime par-dessus tout transmettre aux plus jeunes comme aux ainés ma passion du patrimoine local. Sensibiliser le grand public à la beauté de la faune et de la flore locale, à cet environnement si fabuleux et en même temps si fragile qu’il est plus que nécessaire de valoriser pour mieux le protéger.


Yannick Durante

Gérant de la base de canoë Lou Batel’Eyre, et détenteur de la Marque “Valeur parc naturel régional”
