Water, air, ozone,
The ports of the Cœur du Bassin, 6 in total, and the beaches are places full of poetry which have their own uniqueness.
At high tide or low, stroll between oyster huts, “pinasses” (traditional local boats) and sailboats, taste the famous Bay of Arcachon oysters or enjoy a swim in the sea.
Ports and beaches
The port of Biganos
In the heart of the forest, enjoy its brightly coloured huts, which give it an irresistible charm. In this enchanting setting, feast your eyes as well as your taste buds by enjoying seafood at the Cabane à Huîtres. From this port, board a canoe with Courant d’Eyre or a galupe (local type of boat) with Lou Batel’Eyre, sail on the Leyre and meet the fauna and flora of this very special environment.

The port of Tuiles
Located at the mouth of the Leyre Delta, it’s a discreet little port where you can find, behind the abundant vegetation made up of baccharis (or false cotton plants) and reeds, old oyster huts, makeshift pontoons and small pleasure boats.
The port des Tuiles was once used to store tiles (hence its name: tuile = tile!). It’s also the smallest port in the Bay.
In a relaxing atmosphere, unwind to the sound of the wind in the reed beds and the ballet of boats ready to answer the call of the open sea.
The port of Audenge
More than just a port, a place of life in its own right where everyone finds something to do! Foodies? Find a seat in an oyster hut to taste the seafood. Art lover, or simply curious? The artists from the region welcome you to the Cabane Bleue aux Artistes where you can discover their works. With family? Playground, swimming pool or creative workshops are accessible for young and old. Nature lover? Head off, on foot, between land and water on the Domaine de Graveyron, a Sensitive Natural Area that’s carefully preserved.

The port of Cassy-Lanton
Full of life, it’s active all year round. With its oyster farming activity, restaurants, fish market, harbour master’s office and playground, there’s always plenty going on.
In the summer season, you can discover all the riches of the Bay of Arcachon with seafood tastings and nature canoe trips.
The old port of Taussat-les-Bains
Authentique, il se fait « gardien de mémoire » avec son écomusée Gardarem qui renferme les secrets des vieux outils utilisés par les ostréiculteurs et les gemmeurs d’autrefois.

Port of Fontainevieille
Located in the town of Lanton, this young, large marina dozes for much of the year and offers the spectacle of hoisting your sails when the fine weather arrives.
With the first rays of the sun, it comes to life and, when the tides are right, invites its guests to leave for Bird Island and the famous stilt cabins.
This authentic port acts as a “memory keeper” with its Gardarem eco-museum, which contains the secrets of the old tools used by oyster farmers and tappers of yesteryear.

Les plages
La Plage de Graveyron
Proche du port d’Audenge, dans un cadre naturel, elle vous invite à déplier votre serviette et à vous accorder un moment de détente à l’ombre des tamaris. À marée haute, c’est le lieu idéal pour faire découvrir aux plus petits les joies de patauger dans l’eau salée.
La plage Suzette
Lieu de baignade à marée haute, elle se transforme en terrain de jeu pour petits et grands à marée basse. Sur cette plage, avec vos enfants, accompagnés d’un animateur, vous apprenez à reconnaitre les coquillages et crustacés, à dénicher dans le sable !
La Plage de Taussat-les-Bains
Elle s’étend du port de Fontainevieille jusqu’au vieux port de Taussat et passe devant de majestueuses villas datant du début du XXème siècle, époque où les bains de mer devenaient à la mode.
Remontez le temps et imaginez-vous dans la peau d’un baigneur venant d’acquérir le droit à des congés payés et qui venait, ici, profiter des biens faits des bains de mer.