
Embark from the port of Biganos in a traditional flat-bottomed boat, piloted by a boatman, for a guided tour at dusk. A unique opportunity to appreciate the fauna at dusk, savor the soothing atmosphere and enjoy the magnificent sunset lights.
Duration 1h30.
Reservations required at the tourist information offices of the Office de Tourisme du C?ur du Bassin.


Prices :

Basic price : 29€

Discounted rate : 19€

Accepted payment :

  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Cash

Opening period :

  • from Monday 01 April 2024 to Wednesday 30 October 2024

Dates :

  • Thursday 01 August 2024 from 20h to 22h
  • Thursday 08 August 2024 from 20h to 22h
  • Thursday 15 August 2024 from 20h to 22h
  • Tuesday 20 August 2024 from 19h to 21h
  • Thursday 22 August 2024 from 19h to 21h